Sunday, November 13, 2011

As-Builts: Plumbing and Stuff

This weekend blog is about those semi-permanent elements in a house, such as cabinets, appliances and plumbing fixtures.  It's useful to locate these things on our as-built drawing because it will help us make decisions down the road.

For example, let's say we want to remodel the kitchen. If we can upgrade the kitchen and locate the new sink and hot water heater in the same location, we'll save money (otherwise we'll need to have a plumber reconfigure the supply and waste for the sink, as well as the hot water heater supply and distribution).  Or maybe the kitchen is the most important thing and we just bite the bullet, wipe the kitchen slate clean, and design a whole new kitchen.

So go ahead and draw the upper and lower cabinets (it will help to know how many linear feet of storage space we currently have) and then measure and draw those appliances (the refrigerator, the dishwasher, the stove and the oven, if they are separate).

We also need to locate the plumbing fixtures in the bathroom: the sink, the toilet and the tub.  We may as well include the built-in bookcases, since they are also semi-permanent.

That's it; we're done. Sort of - at least the investigative part.  Next time we'll take all this information that we've gathered and draw the final, real as-built drawing.

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