Sunday, October 23, 2011

As-Builts: Sneaky Permanent Things

You very hard last week and you've earned this week's easy blog.  So far we have located all the walls, doors and windows; we have just a few more things to nail down, so to speak. 

Today we'll locate any other permanent elements that may need to be considered for future planning.  In this example, we've added the exterior porches and the fireplace.  These kinds of elements are pretty substantial and we may want to incorporate them into a future design, or get rid of them entirely.

Another new element in our drawing is the furnace.  This house is older and the heat is an oil furnace, so there is a big hole in the hallway floor with a grill cover.  These things used to creep me out when I was a kid, but that's a different story.  This element is more or less permanent.  It seems like no big deal, and it could easily be overlooked.  It could be an issue later, however, if we designed a new layout and wanted to put walls there. 

Your homework assignment is to look around your house, inside and out, find all the permanent elements and add them to your drawing.  And carve a pumpkin.  The pumpkin has nothing to do with as-built drawings, of course.

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